
One week from today, I take off for a grand adventure. My plan is to post a timeline in the parish hall so that you may follow me on my route from La Verna to Rome.

This walking route begins in Tuscany, at the La Verna monastery, where St. Francis received the signs of the stigmata. The route then crosses Umbria from north to south and finishes in Rome. It will take me 29 days to walk 310 miles with two days in each of the places of Sansepolcro, Assisi, Reitti, Spoleto, and Rome. I plan on communicating at least once per week.

While I am walking I will be contemplating and praying. Yes, praying to get over the next hill, and also praying for St. Francis Episcopal Church. I ask you to pray for me, Arthur, each other, and our community; and to love one another. Please aid the Sr. Warden and vestry in keeping St. Francis a vibrant, spiritual, safe, and holy space. We carry the kingdom of God within us as long as we love