
I hope this message finds you well.

I invite you to experience Tenebrae with us tonight. It takes a congregational presence in the experience to experience Tenebrae well. In other words, if you can, please join us tonight at 7 pm for the service of shadows and darkness, with the light of Christ, never extinguished, always burning.

In this Holy Week, we are getting ready to head into the great three days (The Triduum), where, no matter how many times one has experienced it, one can go deeper into the mystery of Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection. I know that the services may not have changed, but we have.

He who is rich made himself lowly for our sakes: who would not be struck with wonder at the height of thy knowledge, which no mind can understand nor tongue describe! Thou, the Creator of all, hast drawn near to thy creatures of clay, and washed their feet and dried them with a towel. --Byzantine Liturgy

Lord Jesus Christ, as we kneel at the foot of your cross, help us to see and know your love for us, so that we may place at your feet all that we have and are.

Crucified savior, naked God, you hang disgraced and powerless. Grieving, we dare to hope, as we wait at the cross with your mother and your friend.--New Zealand Prayer Book