
So back in the summer of 2019, pre-pandemic, I took two months of a three months sabbatical. Each vestry since 2019 has been gracious in allowing me to push that last month of sabbatical down the road until I (and the world) was ready for me to take it. The time is nigh.

Arthur and I plan on taking a week of vacation in Florence, Italy in June. From there, Arthur returns to Macon, and I will leave from Florence to arrive in La Verna (where Francis received the stigmata) to begin a thirty-day walking journey to Rome, arriving there on July 26th. I will be a pilgrim on the St. Francis Way traveling through Assisi, Gubbio (St. Francis and the wolf story), Spoleto, and Rieti to name a few of the towns along the way and in the life of St. Francis. I do have some money, from your previous sabbatical support, to assist me in doing this.

I have an idea. If you want me to take a crucifix necklace, medal/pendant, or a rosary belonging to you, along with me to have them blessed along the way and at the Vatican, I would like to do that. So, in a small way, St. Francis Macon would accompany me, not only fully in spirit but somewhat physically as well. Just an idea. I promise I will not hock your jewelry or rosaries for chocolate.

During my absence, the Sr. Warden will be the ecclesiastical leader supported by the vestry. Fr. Bob will cover some Sundays and the well-seasoned Morning Prayer officiants will cover some Sundays. I will share more about my journey as time gets closer.