
Holy Week will soon be here. I hope you are able to make room on your calendars for Holy Week activities such as Palm Sunday, Stations of the Cross at noon on Monday and Good Friday, Tenebrae on Wednesday evening, Maundy Thursday Agape meal and foot washing, Good Friday evening service, and the Great Easter Vigil at 8 pm on Saturday, with of course Easter Day, April 9th. Maundy Thursday begins The Great Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Great Easter Vigil). It is not with certainty I make this statement but with confidence, that those participating in the Great Triduum will see a glimpse beyond the veil of mystery of our God story.

The Great Triduum represents the most intimate three days in the life of the Church. In this time, we have a “front-row seat” to the passion, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Through it, we enter more deeply into the Paschal mystery of Christ’s redeeming love. It is not a mystery to be solved by human reason, but one which can only be revealed by God and received through grace.

I also urge you to make an appointment with me for the Rite of Reconciliation (Confession). The Rite of Reconciliation (page 446 BCP) may be used at any time but many find that coming out of Lent and through Holy Week is the right time for them to remember, reflect, and begin the journey of repairing their broken relationships with God and their neighbor. Sometimes it is good to say things out loud in a safe space outside of our own silos.