Dismantling Racism


As a vestry member I was required to take training on Dismantling Racism in America led by Catherine Meeks. As well as other required training, I was moved most by this class. I reread Catherine Meeks' Living Into God's Dream and then watched the HBO documentary on Bryan Stevenson. I was so moved I asked F. Ben and the vestry if we could have the training for Dismantling Racism brought to our parish to be presented to our parishioners. They unanimously approved. I have not set a date yet as I would like F. Ben to be here. He said he would like to provide Eucharist at this training in our church. May we all behold one another as God's Beloved.

In Christ, Sandra Brown

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Dismantling Racism training seeks to increase "racial understanding, healing and reconciliation." It is offered several times throughout the year and is required for all parish clergy and all lay leaders, including vestry members. Trainings are developed by the Diocese of Atlanta Beloved Community: Commission for Dismantling Racism.