Thanks for your generosity

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As the Treasurer of St. Francis, first, let me thank you for all the support you provide to our community both financially and through the giving of your time.  Our missions and vision are successful because of you and your generosity.

 The Finance Committee, including me as the chair, work diligently to ensure the funds we have available, with vestry approval, are distributed equitably in support of our missions, both internally and externally.  It is our responsibility to provide current financial status to each of our committees and account holders on a monthly basis to ensure sound financial management throughout the year.  Vestry liaisons to the various committees work with committee chairs to aid in this quest.  Regular reporting of budget status enables areas of issues be addressed in a timely manner and helps lay a foundation on where funds will be prudent for consideration in the next year’s budget and budgeting process.

 Current overall budget status for our church is at a good point; however pledges are behind based on budget estimates.  Summer attendance and subsequent giving usually drops for a couple of months.  We are keeping our eyes on that and will report accordingly.

 Again, thank you for your current and continued support!

 Your Sister in Christ,

 Beverly Soles, Treasurer